
Weight Management

At iPink, we believe that your diet plan should fit your needs, likes, dislikes and your daily routine. Only then can you meet your goals smoothly and the results can be sustainable. Obesity, overweight, belly fat, underweight are all conditions which can be the root cause to major ailments and cause serious damage to your health in the long run thus decreasing your healthy lifespan and self confidence. Following unrealistic, fad or trending diets in such cases can cause more harm than benefit. Over decades of experience we have identified that a customised, easy to follow “Healthy Eating“ time table has given us 99% success rate in weight loss, inch loss, weight gain, inch gain, instant detox as well as long term healthy weight maintenance.

Medical and Clinical

From minor deficiencies, weakness, fatigue, anaemia, constipation etc to conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, thyroid, PCOD, arthritis, gout, gut health issues, liver & kidney disorders etc. all of these need careful attention and experienced expert care. With over two decades of experience we have identified that targeted nutrition plays a very critical role in every such condition. At iPink, we conduct a thorough patient investigation and customise the right combination of natural foods which can help you manage multiple medical ailments occurring genetically or through poor lifestyle choices.

Sports and Fitness

Whether you are a marathon runner, fitness or sports enthusiast, bikini body lover or are simply wanting better energy for you, your kids and loved ones. In every case, one requires a fit, strong and agile body. The truth is, 80% results come from what you eat and 20% from everything else, hence the right nutrition can make all the difference when it comes to a Muscle Gain v/s Fat Loss approach. We customise pre, post and intra workout meals without artificial supplementation unless needed, along with a tailor made schedule for you to match your activity, meet target performance and achieve your end goals naturally and smoothly.